Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Life expectancy

Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Life expectancy, Smoldering Multiple Myeloma
Smoldering Multiple Myeloma 

Smoldering multiple myeloma

Smoldering multiple myeloma is an early life expectancy precursor to a rare blood cancer known as multiple myeloma, which affects plasma cells. This type of cancer produces some proteins that can be measured in both blood and urine. These proteins are seen before a person shows any signs of cancer.

What are plasma cells?

Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell. They play an important role in the immune system. Plasma cells produce antibodies, which are proteins designed to fight certain diseases.

Scientists have discovered that plasma cells indicate an immune response to a viral or bacterial infection. Plasma cells, in addition to secreting highly specific antibodies, can also acr as sensors to control immunity.

Multiple myeloma

In multiple myeloma, plasma cells turn into cancer and begin rapid division. As a result, malignant cells soon crown out healthy cells. These cancer cells can spread from the marrow and invade the hard outer part of the bone. 
here, the cells combine to from a tumor. When many tumors this type of cancer is called multiple myeloma.

1. Vomiting
2. Weight loss
3. Fever
4.Chronic fatigue
5.Broken bones

Understanding the stages of multiple myeloma

A person may have S M M for several years before going toto multiple myeloma stage. Even when there are no external symptoms, malignant plasma cells secrete proteins into the body. 
These proteins can be measured in the blood or urine of people who show no other symptoms. 

Humans have very few cancer cells in the early stages of the disease. They may be slightly anemic and may have normal levels of calcium in their blood. X-rays show only a fraction of the bone loss

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