sildenafil citrate tablets for female

sildenafil citrate tablets for female
citrate tablets for female

 sildenafil citrate tablets for female

Viagra is the brand name of a drug called sildenafil. It is an oral medication approved for the treatment of men with erectile dysfunction

The drug works by dilating blood vessels. With increased blood flow to the penis, it is performance, not sexual arousal. 

There is limited evidence that the drug is somewhat beneficial for women with sexual dysfunction However, this article focuses on sexual dysfunction between Viagra and women Read on when we explore Viagra use among women, whether it is safe and the options available.

sildenafil citrate tablets for female
sildenafil citrate tablets

citrate tablets Potential benefits 

We know that  in men, Viagra dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to their genitals helps to understand that sexual dysfunction is a complex problem in women. Often, there are  multiple contributing factors. One thing that can suppress libido is the use of certain  downs.

 Sildenafil citrate tablets for female side  effect 

Viagra can lower blood pressure, especially within  hours of taking it. This can be a problem if you already have low blood pressure or are taking medications that lower blood pressure.

Although Viagra seems to be safe for most, there is very little data on women's safety, especially in the long run. In studies involving women, it seems to have been fairly well tolerated. citrate tablets Side effects include:

  • Flushing 
  • Visual disturbances 
  • Indigestion
  • nose off 
  • Headache
  • Throbbing 


citrate tablets is FDA-approved for ED treatment in men. It is not approved for use by women and the study has so far had mixed results. There is no Female Viagra but there are certain medications approved to treat sexual dysfunction in certain women.



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