Home remedies for runny nose 6 solution tips

Home remedies for runny nose
Home remedies for runny nose
Home remedies for runny nose

Home remedies for runny nose solution is caused by production of excess mucus in your nasal passages. This leads to watery discharge that drip from your nose and sometimes down the back of throat.
When you inhale an such as a virus or dust or pollen, it irritates your nasal passages and the lining of the sinuses.
This causes your nose to produce clear mucus that traps gems or allergens and helps flush these harmful substances out of your nose.
This article explores the home remedies that you can use to help reduce the symptoms of runny nose.

6 Home remedies that help reduce runny nose

By itself a runny nose is usually not a cause for concern. if you have no other symptoms, there are several ways to treat a runny nose at home with natural sell-care options that do not invoice medication.

1. Hot shower

Need some quick relief? Try a not shower. Link a humidifier and mouthwash, hot shower steam can help relieve colds and stuffy noses. Steam your face and sinuses directly and spray the shower for best results.

2. Drink plenty of fluids

If you have symptoms of nasal congestion, it may be helpful to drink fluids and stay hydrated when working with a runny nose.
This ensures that the mucus in your sinuses becomes thinner for a flowing consistency and that it is easier for you to get it out. Otherwise, it can be thick and sticky, which cam make you nose thicker.

3. Neta pot

Using a neti vessel for nasal irrigation (also called nasal lavage) is a common procedure for sinus problem. There include coiids and discomfort.
Neti pots are small tea pot like containers with a bunch. you add a solution of warm saline or salt water to the container and then pour the solution through one nostril and take out the other. This this will wash you sinuses very thoroughly. Be sure to use sterile and distilled water instead of tap water.

4. Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods can make a runny nose worse. However, it you also have symptoms of nasal congestion, eating spicy foods can help.
If you can tolerate some heat in your food, give it a try. if you are not accustomed to spicy, try a small amount of spices first to see if it help.

5. Capsaicin

Capsaicin is the chemical that makes pepper spicy. it has been to used to treat nerve pain and psoriasis, but if you apply it to you nose, it can help with runny nose. Several studies have shown that capsaicin is more effective at treating colds the OTC drug budesonide.

6. Warm compression

Applying a warm compress or washcloth to you forehead and nose several times a day can help improve you runny nose and relieve sinus pressure. To create your runny nose and own warn compress at home, soak a clean clean in warm (not boiling) tap water and leave it on your forehead and nose for 15 to 20 minutes Re-apply if necessary.

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