Hair loss falling sudden cause and remedy

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Hair loss falling

Hair loss falling sudden is cause and remedy a beauty of the man, it does not look beautiful without it. Suppose a lot of hair has been fallingout for a few days now.
 This hair loss has now become the main cause of your headaches. He could make a beautiful braid with long hair. Recently, he has shortened his hair. Even then, hair loss not stopping.
Hair falls on almost everyone. Maybe some more, some less.It is normal to lose 20 to 50 hairs a day. But, if it is more than that, it develops a cause for fear. Again, I think more about hair loss, but more hair loss. 

To avoid this hair loss problem falling sudden cause and remedy I first need to know what causes hair loss. Find out the cause, then find the solution to that problem. Then hair loss will stop automatically. 
However, it is also very important to take regular care to stop hair loss and keep hair roots strong.If you want to know about this, you have to take the beauty expert Parasol who owns Harmony Spar. Regularly any good habit brings nothing good in the body. 
The primary state to prevent or take care of hair loss is to take care of both inside and open-air the body. You must eat good food for breakfast, such as milk, eggs and bananas. These 3 foods are very useful for hair. In particular, you need to develop the habit of eating these three types of food in the morning.
The problem of hair loss is very common in this monsoon season. 
Humidity is high at this time. The palate of the head stays wet. So more care is looked-for at this time. Before taking a bath, rub oil on the scalp and wash it off with shampoo. In addition to not eating a balanced diet and hormonal imbalance is created, but the hair falls. In case of hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Now are some ways to prevent hair loss by conversation to a cosmetologist:

Hair must be oiled

Hair must be oiled to stop hair loss or to take care of hair. And in this case it is best to give coconut oil. Coconut oil makes hair smooth and healthy.It has anti-bacterial properties, which shelters the hair from the attack of any microbes or fungus. So you have to apply oil on your hair twice a week or massage oil in your hair before shampooing.

Use of Rosemary Lavender Oil

It is one of the most effective ingredients in hair care. It contains oil to prevent hair loss; Which helps prevent hair loss. It also helps new hair to grow. Ingredients like mango, coconut, olive, jojoba, castor help to stop hair loss.

Withdrawal of Chemical Shampoo

Avoid using chemical shampoo in hair care. Beetroot extract, tamarind seeds in shampoo, make sure. These ingredients effectively clean the scalp without harmful the hair.Do not use shampoo directly on dry hair. Shampoo with oil should be used.Hair must use conditioner: Using conditioner not only brightens the hair; It strengthens the hair follicles and makes the hair smooth. However, you must choose the conditioner by understanding the type of hair. Beetroot extract, Aqua, Pro Vitamin B-5 rich conditioners can be used.

Use of mild lukewarm water

Many public think that clean hair with hot water is good. This is a completely wrong idea. Hot water causes severe damage to the scalp, causing hair to fall out and weaken the hair. So it is best to use lukewarm water to wash your hair.
What are you eating Bad eating habits are one of the causes of hair loss. For this you have to take balanced diet. Protein-rich foods help prevent hair loss. Foods rich in vitamin E, marine fish eggs, milk are very beneficial for hair.Hair pack for hair care: Hair packs can be used if there is a lot of hair loss. Aloe Vera, amalgam, shiitake, seem powder should be mixed in equal quantity to make a pack and give it to the hair. Using it after a week will reduce hair loss. In addition, eggs, fenugreek powder and sour yogurt can be mixed and made into a pack and given to the hair. Using this pack twice a week strengthens the hair follicles Tolerant light lukewarm water must be used to wash the pack.

Harm to hot hair:   No hot air or heat can be taken on the hair. It is deadly harmful to 

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